The Japanese tea ceremony.



The tea ceremony is an ancient ritual still practiced in Japan, behind which hides a real philosophy of life.

The tea plant, native to southern Asia, was imported to Japan from China around the sixth century, along with #Buddhism. The typical tea still green powder used today, the #maccha was always imported from China but from the Kamakura period (XII-XIII century). Known in China for its medicinal and therapeutic properties, the tea was an important part already in Taoism as the elixir of life.

The legend says that even Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk of the sixth century, try to create the tea plant: during nine long years of meditation, for fear of falling asleep and failing in his efforts, he decided to cut his eyelids, which fell to earth giving birth to the tea plant. The tea is indeed a means to not doze off and keep the attention and concentration during long meditation practices. Initially the consumption of #tea was then reserved for monks in monasteries during religious ceremonies; over time it spread to the rest of the population, first among the aristocracy where tea time represented a social occasion. Between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries it spread between the merchant class, the new emerging class, and later among the #samurai who made the tea ceremony an important element of the Way, the code of conduct that governed the lives of guerrieri.È time Cha no yu, also called #chado (literally Way of tea), an ancient zen art in the West is known as the tea ceremony. It is an aesthetic discipline, social and spiritual time to improving yourself.

Japan wanted to share with the whole world that its traditional activities: the ceremony is brought to life in a completely sincere and realistic. Every movement, look, bow and tea preparation procedure takes visitors to Japan a few centuries ago.

Chado was from the early origins of an ethical path,” with these words the sixteenth

#GrandMasterUrasenke introduced the concept of the Way of Tea, an activity which, although simple, requires great effort and dedication it can be understood and deeply appreciated. In the gestures, in the tools and in the preparation of spaces matcha tea have assimilated the principles and history of this culture.

#MatchaGreenTea powder is mixed with hot water. It comes the same leaves of the tea plant, but what really sets it apart is the creation process: from treatment to all’essiccatura steam, from crushing to grinding, matcha allows to ingest the tea leaf itself, assimilating so many substances beneficial, including catechin.

Chasen and Chawan (respectively bamboo whisk and cup) are essential tools for the preparation of tea. They are mostly used by the landlord, who, after receiving the host, lends itself to making tea following the ancient procedures.

Even the guest is an active part of the ceremony: his behavior is in fact a sign of deep gratitude to the landlord. The bow and the careful use of the cup are designed to make harmonious and pure receipt.

There are two types of matcha: #usucha (light tea smoothie), the most common type, and also served informally, and #koicha (thick tea mixed), the form of more typically used in tea tradition.

My husband and I have participated in the tea ceremony, and it was a beautiful experience of style, class, culture and respect.
It is a real aesthetic discipline, social and spiritual time to improving yourself.
Paola Frizzarin


  1. […] #Greentea These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. These free radicals are known to play a role in aging and all sorts of diseases. It Contains flavonoids in this tea have natural anti-inflammatory properties, diuretic effects and catechins, powerful #antioxidants. Green tea is made from Camelia sinensis leaves that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing, originated in China, but its production has spread to many countries in Asia. Several varieties of green tea exist, which differ substantially due to growing conditions, horticulture, production processing, and time of harvest. […]


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